Canceled 2020 Walk in the Wild

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Greetings to all our valued friends. We hope you and your families continue to stay safe and well. After deliberating countless hours, and due to global uncertainties and extremely limited Zoo availability, the NFCA has sadly decided to push the 26th Annual Walk in the Wild to 2021. This decision was not made lightly; we need to consider the needs of our community and take the necessary steps to better ensure a safe, successful Walk.

We hope that the world will return to some “normalcy” by the fall. Please stay tuned for details of a fall picnic – we miss you all and look forward to the time when we can celebrate our community together!

We will, of course, keep all of you updated here on our website and through our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn).

Let’s take care of one another….we will get through this as a “socially-distanced” community! If you or your family need any assistance, please feel free to email us at We will do our best to help in any way we can.

Stay safe and healthy, all.