Online Programs

Now you can contribute to the NFCA while browsing the internet or shopping online by using any of the following services:


Shop online and a percentage of your purchase will benefit the NFCA! Evanston, Ill.-based offers a shopping mall that benefits charities. Pittsburgh-area nonprofits including the Neurofibromatosis Clinics Association, the Animal Rescue League and the Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force are among groups that receive donations when iGive shoppers purchase items from merchants in the iGive mall.

Tell a friend about this offer by sending them this, “You can support the Neurofibromatosis Clinics Association, Inc. by using this link to shop at iGive.”.


Make GoodSearch your homepage. They’ll donate to your cause when you search the web or shop at over 5,000+ online stores! Every time you start your web browser GoodSearch will automatically load and be the first site you see. Plus, no matter where you are on the web, you can always click your browser’s home button and return to GoodSearch instantly.