A phase I clinical trial of Selumetinib has shown some early promising results in children diagnosed with NF1. read more at “New Drug Shrinks Pediatric Tumors“.
Articles by webmaster
A Passionate Pursuit To Cure NF
Here is a nice article on one woman’s passionate pursuit to cure NF, “NF Community – Network Spotlight“.
2016 NFCA Annual Luncheon
The NFCA’s Annual Luncheon was held Sunday, October 16 at The Hofbrauhaus at Southside Works. Members of our community gathered to offer each other support and fellowship. Cheering on the Steelers was an added bonus – even if it was for a loss to Miami! Dr. Amy Goldstein, Beth...
College Team Signs Boy With NF
Mount St. Joseph University in Ohio signs boy with NF to their football team for a special day. Click the image below to read the article.
MLB Player Raises Awareness For NF
Major League Baseball player raises awareness and funds for NF! See more at “Ian Desmond adds up the runs for neurofibromatosis awareness, donation“.
Kids Setup Lemonade Stand For Friend
Great story about a group of kids who recently setup a lemonade stand to raise money to help their friend who has NF! See the coverage at KTVB – Friends Support Boy with NF.
Blacktie Pittsburgh Coverage of NFCA Golf Outing
Thanks again to Blacktie Pittsburgh for these great photos of our annual golf outing! To see all the photos click View Photo Album.
Golf Outing Photos
We ended up with a great weekend for the NFCA golf outing! Thanks again to everyone who joined us.
Photos of Bowling Over NF Fundraiser
Blacktie Pittsburgh took some great photos at the “Bowling Over NF” fundraiser this past weekend. Use this link or click the image below to view the full photo album.
New Study for Coping with Pain
Coping with Pain: an ACTive Approach Do you have NF1 and one or more plexiform neurofibromas? Do you have pain that has lasted three months or more? Are you between the ages of 16 and 34 years? If you answered yes to all these questions, you may be eligible...